Ulysses Software

Excel Attendance Reports

Expedite the reports to enable a fast response

This is a quick tool for interrogating your OneSchool absence data on a daily basis

OneSchool is the only official source of attendance values

Customise your reporting outcomes

All reports are unlocked for your editing, plus we simplify applying your own colours for attendance ranges in all reports

Student Report Card

Include the student's photo with many optional features including customisable Late Arrival and Early Departure effect analysis


  • Date Range Report : create custom lists of student attendance values between any 2 weeks of the school calendar
  • Student Report Card : a detailed per student report with student photos and absence counts by day of the week over any 10 week period
  • Per week % Absence Chart : compare per week % of students absent with last year
  • Dynamic Reporting with a range of Pivot Tables for grade and/or class per week by term, early/late arrivals, suspensions, reasons by term, day of week by grade